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Punjab Educare App Download करें, स्टूडेंट्स के लिए काफी कुछ लाई है सरकार

Punjab Educare App Download करें, स्टूडेंट्स के लिए काफी कुछ लाई है सरकार

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पंजाब सरकार के डिपार्टमेंट ऑफ स्कूल एजुकेशन ने कोरोनावायरस के कारण लॉकडाउन की स्थिति में स्टूडेंट्स को घर बैठे पढ़ाने के लिए पंजाब एजुकेयर मोबाइल एप लांच किया था। अनलॉक होने के बाद कक्षाएं सामान्य रूप से संचालित होने लगी है परंतु पंजाब एजुकेयर मोबाइल एप्लीकेशन की सफलता के कारण इसे कंटिन्यू रखने का डिसीजन दिया गया है। इस सरकारी मोबाइल ऐप को डाउनलोड करने के लिए गूगल प्ले स्टोर की डायरेक्ट लिंक हमने इसी पोस्ट में सबसे नीचे उपलब्ध कराई है।

About Punjab Educare Mobile App

Punjab Educare is an educational app. It provides free access to all the study material, prepared by the team of Department of Education, Punjab.
Punjab School Education Department has come up with this amazing tool especially for the students and teachers of government schools in Punjab. 

This app is a one stop solution to the problem of accessibility of the study material, emerged during the lockdown. The dedicated team of Education Department addressed this problem through this app. The app provides all educational material including text books, video lessons, daily assignments and much more.

Features of this app:
User friendly interface: All the study material of Punjabi, English, Hindi, Math, Science and Social Science ofclass 6-10 has been arranged very systematically which makes navigation on
this app very convenient.
Updation on daily basis :The app puts an end to the worry of losing useful study material that is provided daily by the education department. This app is updated on daily basis.
Saves time :Easy and free access to the systematically arranged study material saves time. It not only improves the efficacy of the teachers but keep the parents also updated with their child’s curriculums
Involvement of teachers: The app has been developed by the teachers of the department, updated on daily basis by the teachers of the department and suggestions also come from the teachers. Who understands the need of the students better than their teachers? 
Punjab Educare App Download करने के लिए यहां क्लिक करें

from Bhopal Samachar | No 1 hindi news portal of central india (madhya pradesh) https://ift.tt/2LUhAYo
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